
Putta Whatsca?

We have here a Puttanesca Sandwich. Adapted from the classical Italian pasta dish, "Pasta Puttanesca". Working within the Mezzetta Make That Sandwich Contest rules, we used some Mezzetta products in the sandwich, some of which are featured in the above photo. More importantly, the sandwich itself is pictured above. Take a good long look at it.

Can you take a stab at what ingredients were used to make the sandwich? I can tell you, it is one of the most delicious and exciting sandwiches I have ever tasted. Unfortunately, the folks at Mezzetta didn't see it that way, ours was not the winning sandwich. We tried hard to stay within the guidelines provided, so were careful not to make the sandwich too complicated to make. Only to find out the winning sandwich was indeed very complicated with multiple steps necessary to bring it all together. If you want to see the winning sandwich, go visit Mezzetta on the web, I'm sure it's up there.

In the meantime, give a guess as to what ingredients are on the sandwich and if you come close, you can have lunch on Le Gourou. Good Luck


  1. This looks so yummy !! i want one for lunch i might have to try and make this !! and BTY i love your button Sandwich 365 can i grab one for my sidebar and let everyone know where to go for a great blog ?
    Hugs Conne


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