
Kid Requested Strawberry Toast!

From the humble kitchen of Ms. Jennifer Lake
Beverly Hills, California
I respectfully submit this breakfast winner in my house. This recipe has been thoroughly kid-tested and kid-requested. It's a variation of previously posted Strawberry French Toast Sandwich. This time the recipe is much more simple and a little better on the nutritional front. Even picky 2 year olds have ravaged this sandwich and then asked for more. Yes, it's a little on the sweet side, but you can control how sweet because of course making a delicious sandwich of any kind is not an exact science. Ingrédients
Cream cheese, whipped into submission
Vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon
Raw or white sugar, 1 teaspoon
Fresh strawberries, 5 or 6, chopped
Hearty bread
One egg, beaten
Whole cream or half and half, 1/4 cup
Butter, 1 teaspoon
Préparation Assemblée
In a medium sized bowl, put together cream cheese, vanilla extract, sugar and strawberries, set aside in fridge if made in advance. In a medium sized bowl, beat egg and cream together, dredge bread thru egg/cream mixture and place on a hot griddle that has been greased with melted butter. Cook until bread is golden one both sides. Spread the cream cheese mixture over the bread and make a sandwich. Serve with love immediately, Jennifer.

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