Scaled down to a mere shadow of it's former self without promise of a new or better design. Ashamed of being exposed and embarrassed for leaving followers/friends to flap in the wind. A rudderless ship gone off course, but alas.. there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I shall try, try again and promise to persevere in spite of short comings in the design department. There are sandwiches to be made, recipes to be shared, photos to be displayed, condiments to be tried and fish to be fried. We shall over come..
Don't worry about the's the sandwiches that keep us coming back...I'm terrible afraid to fool with my design...the few times I tried anything it was a mess.
ReplyDeleteAmen sister!
ReplyDeleteAm I missing something here. I loved your previous design.
ReplyDeleteI think Sandwich 365 looks fabulous--keep the sandwiches coming!
ReplyDeleteWe will never leave you!! We will stay until the bitter end!
ReplyDeleteI will not leave the plate face! You are so creative...I will work on a sammie post for you!